GUPCHUP is an Indian App developed and maintained by RainFotech. Short films, Web series, and various songs are distributed by RR Films.

The following are the criteria for viewing the “GUPCHUP” apps.
GupChup is a video streaming service that offers a wide variety of genres from drama, horror, suspense, thriller to comedy & beyond. Watch series of our collection of contents / videos in Gup Chup Apps and more in your regional languages. Enjoy unlimited video streaming at a pocket friendly price at monthly basis along with enjoy the free trailer of contents/videos.


Choose free trailers which help what to watch first.
Unlimited HD streaming which will available 24x7 for paid subcribers.
According to your membership plan you can avail services.
Access content anywhere in the world.
If any content creators (Directors) or Artists want/willing to work/associate with us they are welcome to contact with us.


The content displayed on this platform have been created by adhering to the regulatians laid down in the self regulation code which has been made for the OTT platforms. The contents do not aim to harm the national interests of any individual and is not against any government rules and regulations. It is also does not involve any kind of child pornography. The contents have been made keeping in mind the other contents that are displayed on the other OTT platforms, web portals and social medias and the customer demand as no proper laws and regulation in regards to the type of content is available with us. In case you feel that any of the content that has been displayed on this platform is against any laws or is against any of the government sentiments or is not suitable for the display in this platform or in any other platform for any reason whatsoever we can help you get in touch with the director or the producer of the content that you feel is not suitable. As we do not create the content we have no right in regards to any changes as the creation right of the content vests in the producer of the content even if the publication right or the copyright whatsoever has been transferred to us or not. In this situation you are requested to contact with us telling us the details of the content which you feel is unsuitable and the reason for the same and we will help you get in touch with the concerned person. Some of the content displayed here may not be suitable for some users. So voiewer's discretion is advised for the same. 

In case you see the content is being infringed and is present is other websites do tell us we shall report it but we cannot do anything further. You can also report the same